Welcome To

Putnam County
Democratic Party

A Party of the People

"Democrats work to help people who need help. That other party, they work for people who don't."
Harry Truman
33rd President of the United States


Help our Party grow by making a financial contribution today.

Get Registered To Vote

You can now register to vote online or if you need a address change, you can do that through the online voter registration portal.

Run for Office

Wanna run for office? Click here to learn about what offices are up for election next, and how you could qualify to run for those offices.

Putnam County Democrats

Are fighting for you!

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Want to help lift up youth voices, or be a youth leader in our party? Putnam County Democrats are committed to having youth voices at the table. So consider joining our youth chapter today.


Want to make a difference in our community? By joining the Putnam County Democratic Party, you are joining in on this fight to make our communities a better place to live, work, and do business in.

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Family is the core of who we are as a Party. We are a multigenerational and a multiethnic party. By joining the Putnam County Democratic Party, you will be helping us to make the lives of every family in Putnam County better.